lipofilling mammaire

Breast lipofilling

Breast augmentation by lipofilling is a cosmetic surgery procedure that uses fat from the patient’s own body to naturally increase breast size.

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Introduction to breast lipofilling

Augmentation mammaire

Breast lipofilling is an innovative cosmetic surgery technique that offers an alternative to traditional breast augmentation with implants. Instead of using implants, this method relies on the patient’s own autologous fat, i.e. fat taken from certain areas of her own body, to naturally increase breast volume. Although this approach does not enjoy the same popularity as implant augmentation, it does offer distinct advantages and may be a solution for some patients who do not wish to have prostheses fitted.

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1 to 3 hours
general anesthesia
4 to 7 days

Why choose breast lipofilling?

breast lipofillingBreast lipofilling, also known as fat transfer breast augmentation, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that has attracted some interest due to its more natural approach to breast augmentation.

However, it’s important to note that results can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the amount of fat available for transfer and how the patient’s body reacts to the procedure.

One of the main advantages of breast lipofilling is that it uses the patient’s own autologous fat instead of breast implants. This means there’s a reduced risk of allergic reaction or rejection, complications that can occur with traditional breast implants.

What’s more, as the fat is harvested from the patient’s own body, breast lipofilling offers the added benefit of refining the areas from which the fat is taken, resulting in a more sculpted, harmonious silhouette.

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Mammary lipofilling: in which cases?

breast lipofillingBreast lipofilling is a cosmetic surgery procedure that offers a natural alternative to traditional breast augmentation. However, it is essential to understand that every patient is unique and that this procedure is not suitable for everyone.

Ideal candidates for breast lipofilling are those seeking to moderately increase their breast volume while improving their shape and symmetry. In addition, patients must have sufficient fat in other parts of the body, which can be harvested for re-injection into the breasts.

It’s also crucial that patients have realistic expectations of the results of the procedure. Breast lipofilling offers a natural, moderate increase in breast volume, but cannot provide the same degree of augmentation as breast implants.

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Procedure for breast lipofilling

Preliminary consultation

Before any breast lipofilling operation, an in-depth individual consultation takes place. The specialist provides detailed information about the procedure, taking into account the needs and expectations of each patient. If the decision to proceed is made, additional appointments are scheduled to evaluate the breast and fat harvesting areas, and to discuss the surgical procedure in detail. An anesthesia consultation is also scheduled.

Choice of fat harvesting and injection technique

The amount of fat required and the nature of the breast influence the choice of fat harvesting technique and injection. After a thorough interview, the doctor will decide on the most appropriate fat harvesting technique, which is generally performed in areas where fat is most abundant, such as the abdomen, thighs or hips.

When it comes to fat injection during breast lipofilling, there are several factors to consider:

  • Position of injection: fat is generally injected in different planes of the breast to ensure a natural appearance and even distribution.
  • Quantity of fat to be injected: this depends on the desired volume and the capacity of the breast to accept the injected fat. The doctor will discuss with you the amount of fat to be injected to achieve the desired result.
  • Fat processing: prior to injection, the fat removed is processed (cleaned and centrifuged) to prepare the fat cells for reinjection.
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The surgical procedure

The breast lipofilling procedure lasts between one and three hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The process begins with liposuction, where fat is removed from another part of the patient’s body, usually the abdomen, thighs or knees. This fat is then processed and purified for reinjection into the breasts.

Fat reinjection is performed through small incisions in the breasts, through which the fat is injected using fine cannulas. The fat is injected evenly to ensure a natural, uniform appearance. The volume of fat injected depends on each patient’s needs and objectives, but generally, the surgeon injects no more than 200 to 250 cubic centimetres of fat per breast.

Immediate post-operative care

Breast lipofilling, performed under general anesthesia, requires one to three hours for the procedure, anesthesia and recovery. Once the operation is over, you will be monitored in your room for a few hours before you are allowed to return home, wearing a suitable bra and prescribed oral painkillers. It is advisable to be accompanied for the journey home. Our medical team will also ensure rigorous post-operative follow-up of your breast lipofilling and will remain at your disposal for any questions or concerns you may have.

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As is often the case in plastic surgery, post-operative follow-up with the surgeon who performed the breast lipofilling is necessary. A consultation is usually organized soon after surgery to assess wound healing, and again two or three weeks later. A check-up after six weeks is also planned to examine the shape of the breast, and a check-up after six months is recommended. Follow-up care is generally specific to each surgeon and may vary slightly on a case-by-case basis.

Following the operation, a feeling of tightness in the chest may be experienced, mainly due to the healing process and the body’s adaptation to the new amount of fat injected. Wearing a support bra day and night for six weeks after lipofilling is recommended (to be adapted according to the surgeon).

The areas where fat is harvested and the injection points in the breasts are usually covered with a watertight dressing, enabling you to shower the day after breast lipofilling. Sutures are absorbable and do not need to be removed. It may take several weeks to see the final result of the procedure. It’s important to note that final breast volume may be slightly less than immediately after surgery, as some of the fat injected may be naturally resorbed by the body.

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The result

It takes 3 to 6 months to appreciate the results of breast lipofilling, until the breasts have regained their suppleness and the injected fat has stabilized. Without aiming for perfection, and with realistic desires, we can affirm that the gain in breast volume has an impact on the overall silhouette and therefore allows greater freedom of dress.

post increase

Breast lipofilling is a common and safe cosmetic surgery procedure for improving breast size, shape and symmetry, using the patient’s own tissue for a natural result. Our clinic offers personalized solutions for each patient, using the latest techniques and cutting-edge technologies to guarantee natural, long-lasting results. This is an important and personal decision, which is why we take the time to understand your needs and expectations so we can offer you the most suitable treatment. Contact us to learn more about breast lipofilling and to schedule a consultation with our team of plastic surgery specialists.

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Fees for breast augmentation surgery

Lipofilling breast augmentation
5775 €
First consultation
de 30 € à 70 €
*depending on the type of implant. All our prices are indicative and include VAT. The complete and precise estimate will be validated during the consultation with the surgeon.


How much does lipofilling cost?

At Claris Clinic, we strive to offer our services at the right price, while maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety. The cost of breast lipofilling can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure and the individual needs of each patient. We invite you to make an appointment for a consultation, during which we can discuss your objectives in detail and draw up a personalized quote.

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What are the possible risks and complications of breast lipofilling?

As with any surgical procedure, breast lipofilling carries certain risks, such as infection, bleeding, blood clots and reactions to anesthesia. Complications specific to breast lipofilling may include insufficient survival of the injected fat cells, which may necessitate additional interventions.

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Does breast lipofilling affect breastfeeding?

Breast lipofilling generally does not affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed. However, each case is unique and depends on the technique used, the amount of fat injected and the location of the injections. It is important to discuss your breastfeeding plans with your surgeon before the operation.

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Can breast lipofilling correct breast asymmetry?

Yes, breast lipofilling can be used to correct breast asymmetry. By injecting different amounts of fat into each breast, your surgeon can create a more symmetrical appearance.

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Does breast lipofilling leave scars?

Breast lipofilling leaves minimal scars. The incisions made for fat injection are very small and are generally placed in discreet areas to minimize the visibility of scars.

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Is breast lipofilling painful?

Any surgical procedure may cause some discomfort. However, pain after breast lipofilling is generally manageable with pain medication prescribed by your surgeon. Most patients report a significant improvement in pain in the days following the procedure.

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When can I resume sport after breast lipofilling?

It is generally recommended to resume strenuous physical activity around 6 weeks after surgery. However, every patient is unique and the precise timing will depend on your individual recovery rate. It is important to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

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