Chirurgie mammaire

Breast surgery in Nivelles

We offer you a new, harmonious and balanced silhouette thanks to our expertise in breast surgery.

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Claris Clinic, your breast surgery clinic near Nivelles.

Since its creation, the Claris Clinic has made excellence in patient care its priority. We make it a point of honor to offer you fully personalized support.

Our team is made up of some of Belgium’s most renowned surgeons. All work in ISO 5-certified operating theatres equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology. To ensure optimal results, entrust your next breast surgery to us!

Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We want to maintain a relationship of trust with all our patients. So, throughout your surgical journey, our specialists are there to advise you.Mastopexy

Breast surgery near Nivelles :

What is breast surgery?

Breast surgery is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures. Its distinctive feature is that it can modify the appearance of the breasts. This may involve their shape, or even their size, in order to fully match your desires.

Several types of breast surgery are performed at the Claris Clinic. For example, you can have a breast reduction. This procedure is considered if you suffer from overly large breasts. Breast augmentation, on the other hand, offers you a solution for increasing your cup size.

Breast surgery is not exclusively for women. Many men suffer from overdeveloped mammary glands. This source of complex can be treated with gynecomastia.

Why have breast surgery?

The main reason for undergoing breast surgery is often the desire to free oneself from a complex. Patients want to regain their self-confidence over the long term. Beyond the physical aspect, breast surgery can have a strong psychological impact.

This may be the case for a man with an overdeveloped mammary gland. Gynecomastia surgery to restore a flat torso can free him from an ingrained complex.

In addition to these different aspects, breast surgery can also play a more functional role. In fact, a breast reduction can provide relief for women with back pain. These neck and back pains are frequently caused by heavy breasts.

In all cases, you should always ensure that your breast surgery is performed in a reputable clinic. At Claris Clinic, our team looks after your well-being and offers you personalized support. We aim to provide the best solution for each of your needs.

How does breast surgery work?

Before the operation

The initial consultation is the starting point for any cosmetic surgery procedure. This time allows the patient and surgeon to get to know each other and establish a bond of trust. It’s the perfect time to talk about the work ahead.

It’s during this special time that you’ll be able to explain your expectations regarding the results you hope to achieve. Our surgeon, always ready to listen, will advise you on how to achieve harmonious breasts.

During operation

Our priority is your safety. That’s why our surgeons at the Claris Clinic are supported by state-of-the-art medical equipment. Each intervention takes place in ISO 5-certified rooms. What’s more, we work with some of the most renowned surgeons and anaesthetists in Belgium.

Our specialists work carefully and meticulously to ensure that your breast surgery is a success. breast reduction

After the operation

Post-operative follow-up is necessary after breast surgery, as with any other surgical procedure. This follow-up takes the form of regular appointments with your surgeon. He or she will take the necessary time to ensure that you are healing properly and in good general health.

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The different types of breast surgery in Nivelles

Breast augmentation

L’breast augmentation is the most frequently performed breast surgery procedure. Its aim is to increase breast size.

This procedure is preferred by patients who have a complex about the size of their breasts, which are considered too small. In particular, you may wish to consider this procedure after significant weight loss. Some women also undergo breast augmentation after childbirth. This allows the breasts to gain volume, or to correct asymmetry caused by breastfeeding.

The surgeon can use two different methods. Firstly, breast augmentation by lipofilling. This technique involves taking fat from another part of the body and reinjecting it into the breasts. The second method is silicone breast implants. Volume and shape will have been defined in advance according to your needs.

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augmentation mammaire

Breast reduction

The Claris Clinic in Nivelles can also perform a breast reduction. This procedure involves the reduction of breast volume.

Nevertheless, breast reduction has other purposes than aesthetic ones. In particular, it minimizes the pain caused by heavy breasts.

Our experts will be happy to advise you during your pre-operative consultation. You will decide on the ideal volume to remove from your breasts to achieve a harmonious result. Our common goal is to help you regain your self-confidence.

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reduction mammaire

Breast lift

The breast lift is a surgical procedure that lifts the breasts. Breast firming is also expected following this procedure.

Sagging breasts are often linked to the natural aging of the skin. It can also be caused by life events, such as pregnancy or breastfeeding.

To regain curves and firmness, consider a breast lift. This procedure is offered at our aesthetic clinic near Nivelles.

You can also combine a breast lift with another surgical procedure. Depending on your needs, you can also undergo breast reduction or augmentation.

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Breast asymmetry

L’mamma asymmetry corresponds to an imbalance in breast shape, size or position. This imbalance may be hormonal or genetic in origin, and can create a complex for some women.

You have two options: augmentation of the smaller breast or reduction of the larger one. You will decide this at your first appointment with the surgeon, who will advise you.

Our experts will provide you with tailor-made support. With their wealth of experience, they all aim to offer you a harmonious result.

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asymetrie mammaire


Men can also undergo breast surgery. This is particularly the case with the use of gynecomastia. This procedure restores a flat torso by removing excess breast tissue. It should be noted that various factors can lead to the appearance of gynecomastia. This may be due to medication, genetic factors or hormonal imbalance. To achieve a firm torso, the surgeon removes excess glandular tissue and excess skin. This procedure is quite similar to breast reduction.

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How to get to Claris Clinic from Nivelles

From Nivelles, the nearest Claris Clinic is in La Hulpe.

On the edge of the Ring Road, in the heart of the Forêt de Soignes, Claris Clinic de la Hulpe is strategically located on the outskirts of the Belgian capital. This privileged location, not far from major traffic arteries such as the Brussels Ring Road or Zaventem airport, makes it an easily accessible destination, whether you’re coming from Brussels or any other Belgian region. Surgeries are carried out in this green setting, with ample parking to facilitate your visit. For a complete experience, the Dolce hotel infrastructure is ideally located in the immediate vicinity.

Claris Clinic La Hulpe

For added convenience, two other clinics are available for consultations and post-operative care. Our clinic in the European Quarter, in the heart of Brussels, is easily accessible by public transport. As for our Château des Thermes de Chaudfontaine establishment, it’s just 15 minutes from the center of Liège and has ample parking for your convenience.

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Find Claris Clinic throughout Belgium

The Claris Clinic is recognized throughout Belgium for its expertise in cosmetic surgery, the quality of its surgeons and its aesthetic treatments. Many patients from all parts of Belgium and abroad come for consultation and place their trust in our team of doctors specializing in plastic and aesthetic surgery.

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