A youthful-looking face is generally perceived as more attractive and as an indicator of good health. That’s why so many patients aspire to regain a more youthful appearance by using a variety of methods to reduce the signs of time and beautify the epidermis. See page content for more information.
Drooping eyelids
Sagging eyelids, the result of natural aging or an inadequate lifestyle, give a sad, tired look to the face. There are several approaches to treating this phenomenon, depending on the severity of the slackening and personal expectations. Blepharoplasty is commonly used, while other techniques are available for moderate cases.
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Bags under the eyes (dark circles)
Puffiness under the eyes affects both men and women. It’s a cluster of fatty deposits under the eyes, generally appearing with age and accentuated by alcohol, tobacco, fatigue and sometimes poor lifestyle habits.
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Wrinkles are small furrows that appear on the skin over the years. They are caused by a loss of elasticity, firmness and moisture in the skin tissue. Over time, collagen and elastin production slows down, and wrinkles form in the direction of the skin’s fibers and natural folds.
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Sagging skin
As we age, the effects of time, sun exposure, stress, lifestyle and smoking can have a visible impact on the face in the form of wrinkles and sagging skin. Various techniques are available to treat this sagging and help mitigate its effects.
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Luscious mouth
Lips that are too thin are lips whose contours may be poorly defined, considered too thin, thin or asymmetrical. These lips can give a sad or severe appearance and are sometimes considered a sign of aging.
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