Pockets under the eyes

Bags under the eyes, fatty deposits that often appear with age, affect both men and women, and can be aggravated by alcohol, tobacco, fatigue or poor lifestyle habits. Don’t confuse them with dark circles, which darken the eye area. These problems, which make the eyes look tired, can be treated in a number of ways. Blepharoplasty is commonly used to correct under-eye bags, but other non-surgical methods exist for less pronounced bags.

La blépharoplastie

Un candidat à la chirurgie des paupières souffre généralement d’un excès de peau des paupières supérieures ou inférieures entraînant des rides, des poches sous les yeux, ou des troubles de la vision. Ce problème est généralement résolu par une chirurgie de blépharoplastie, dont les cicatrices sont quasiment invisibles.

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Acide Hyaluronique

Acide hyaluronique

L’acide hyaluronique injectable (HA) est un produit de comblement cutané temporaire. Il est utilisé pour réduire l’apparence des ridules et des rides, des plis du visage et pour créer du volume au niveau du visage et des lèvres. Les effets de l’acide hyaluronique injectable sont visibles immédiatement.

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PRP visage

PRP visage

Le PRP Visage (plasma riche en plaquettes) est un traitement de médecine esthétique qui, grâce au propre sang du patient, permet de retrouver une peau tonifiée et éclatante. Cette solution est idéale si vous souhaitez rajeunir votre peau ou réduire vos citatrices de manière totalement naturelle.

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HydraFacial® est un soin breveté qui permet un lissage et un nettoyage en douceur de la peau, afin d’en extraire les impuretés. Simultanément, HydraFacial® apporte à la peau des sérums exclusifs pour l’hydrater et la protéger à long terme.

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Le microneedling et le Vampire Lift sont des traitements de régénération cutanée accélérée donnant d’excellents résultats, en traitement simple ou en combinaison avec des injections ou du PRP (Plasma riche en plaquettes).

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    The benefits of treating under-eye bags

    • Elimination of fatty deposits responsible for puffiness
    • Skin firming through collagen stimulation
    • Rejuvenated, radiant eyes
    • Adapted solutions: surgery or non-invasive techniques
    • Lasting results with blepharoplasty
    • Harmonious volume correction with injections
    • Combine treatments for optimum effect
    Avantages du traitement des poches sous les yeux - Claris Clinic

    Frequently asked questions?

    What is under-eye puffiness?

    The bags that appear under the eyes over time can be either aqueous (composed of water) or adipose (composed of fat). The former generally form in the morning and disappear during the day, but the latter are permanent over the long term. They are not dangerous, but can cause aesthetic or visual discomfort.

    What causes puffiness under the eyes, and how can you prevent it?
    • The main causes. As we age, the skin’s collagen content tends to decrease, leading to a loss of elasticity and thickness. This natural phenomenon results in the appearance of puffiness, often on the lower eyelids, which can alter the look of the eyes. Note that these are not dark circles, which refer to a discoloration of the skin under the eyelids, but are very different in nature.
      • These bags can be of two types: aqueous or adipose. In the first case, they form directly under the eyelid, usually during the night, and disappear within a few hours. The bag then disappears within a few hours.
        If it’s adipose, the bag forms over time as the skin slackens, simply by following the principle of gravity, which causes the fat around the eyes to lodge in three small natural pockets below the lower eyelid.
      • Whether they’re water or fat pockets, they pose no immediate danger to health and are usually no more than an aesthetic inconvenience. They do contribute to the tired look of the eyes. Nevertheless, some patients may suffer from itchy eyelids or visual problems due to the discomfort caused.
      • Genetic predisposition is one of the main causes of bags forming just under the eyes, but it’s not the only factor.
        Lifestyle choices must also be taken into account to limit the natural development of bags as much as possible.
      • Sleep is the most important factor to watch out for, as the recommended eight hours a day is rarely achieved in adults. Yet fatigue has a direct effect on the accumulation of fat in the eyelids, and hence on the resulting puffiness.
      • In addition to sleep, attention to skin care is also essential, as the eyelid area is very thin and therefore particularly sensitive.
        Excessive consumption ofalcohol, tobacco or salt (which accentuates water retention) also has aggravating effects that need to be taken into account.
    • The best ways to limit the appearance of bags under the eyes. Simple gestures can help reduce the size of the bags that naturally appear under the eyelids over time. Applying cooling agents to the eyelids, such as the famous fresh cucumber slices or cooled tea bags, helps deflate the bags.Hydration and a low-salt diet are also highly recommended.
      • Nevertheless, the most viable long-term solution is professional treatment, with or without surgery. There are many possibilities, and everyone can find the formula that suits them best.
      • Hyaluronic acid injections can be used to eliminate wrinkles and create harmonious volume around the eye, although the operation must be repeated regularly to maintain a lasting result.
      • Treatments that promote skin regeneration, such as microneedling and vampire lift, are ideally suited to the treatment of under-eye bags. They enable the skin to regain the elasticity it has lost over time, and thus limit the slackening of the skin that leaves room for puffiness to form.
      • In the case of excess skin, cosmetic surgery can correct eyelid imperfections. Blepharoplasty treats fatty eyelid bags without leaving a trace, since a single incision is made at the level of the eyelashes or inside the eyelid. The aim is to restore the eyes to their original radiance, without altering their appearance. The results of the procedure are definitive and visible after a few days’ convalescence.

    Professional treatments are complementary and can be considered together to ensure a harmonized look and longer-lasting results. Of course, having a doctor present at the first consultation enables us to establish the patient’s precise needs and discuss his or her expectations.

    How much does it cost to correct bags under the eyes?

    It’s all up to you! There’s something for every budget, from around a hundred euros for a simple treatment. We recommend that you consult one of our doctors directly to define the protocol that best suits your situation and expectations.

    How can I get rid of bags under my eyes?

    There are many options available to slow the natural appearance of bags under the eyes, and then reduce them. A healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent the appearance of bags under the eyes, but this is not necessarily enough to counteract genetic predisposition. Aesthetic medicine and surgery can correct the appearance of the eyelids to enhance the look of the eyes. Don’t hesitate to consult a doctor to find out which options are best suited to your situation: every profile is different.

    How is care provided?

    Every case is different, and every patient is treated on an individual basis. During the initial consultation, the doctor will define your expectations with you, and the best possible solutions to meet them.

    Each step is then adapted to your profile and medical history. Depending on the treatment, preparation and convalescence protocols may vary considerably, but support remains the same until the final result is achieved.